The Best Natural Remedies for your Body

6 Remarkable Benefits of MCT Oil - Hyaluxe Body
In recent years more and more people have started to use MCT oil for its fantastic benefits in health, wellness, and personal care. MCT oil stands for Medium-Chain Triglycerides which are fatty acids naturally found in coconut oil , palm...
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Navel Oiling with Castor Oil - Hyaluxe Body
What exactly IS it?Castor oil, which comes from the seed of the Ricinus communis plant, is a powerful healing oil. It contains a special acid called ricinolein acid, which helps fight inflammation, kill germs and reduce pain. Why oil our...
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15 signs of hormonal imbalance - Hyaluxe Body
Hormones are chemical messengers that play a crucial role in regulating various processes within the body. They are produced by specialized glands called endocrine glands and are released into the bloodstream, where they travel to target tissues or organs to...
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Lady Part Relief: A MUST have for women. - Hyaluxe Body
Castor oil has been used since ancient times for many purposes. This oil is extracted from the seeds (castor beans) of the Ricinus communis plant. These beans are made from fatty acids, particularly ricinoleic acid which can improve health and...
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