What do toxins actually do to our bodies as women?

What do toxins actually do to our bodies as women? - Hyaluxe Body

Guess what ladies? Our bodies need A LOT OF ATTENTION 😬 we age differently , handle stress differently and digest food differently so how do external toxins make a difference on our bodies?
Our bodies are enzyme engines. Every physiological function depends on enzymes to manufacture molecules, produce energy, and create cell structures. Toxins damage enzymes and thus undermine countless bodily functions—inhibiting the production of hemoglobin in the blood, for example, or lowering the body’s capacity to prevent the free-radical damage that accelerates aging. (Naturemed.org)
🥵Toxins damage the organs.

Toxins damage nearly all your organs and systems. If your digestive tract, liver, and kidneys are so toxic they are unable to detox effectively (and on their own), your detoxification will backfire and your body will remain toxic.
🥵Toxins damage DNA, which increases the rate of aging and degeneration.
Many commonly used pesticides, phthalates, improperly detoxified estrogens, and products containing benzene damage DNA.
🌟Needless to say the list goes on especially when recognizing the fact that our bodies work as a complete system. Not only does it need detoxification but replenishment. 

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