6 oils for wrinkles that science shows work....

Six oils that reduce deep wrinkles
Carrot seed
Pomegranate Seed Oil:
Pomegranates are associated with anti-aging, and the most powerful form of pomegranate for anti-aging is its oil. Pomegranate oil’s bioflavonoids and fatty acids make it excellent at protecting the skin from sun damage. In fact, in vitro research even demonstrates that pomegranate oil has a natural SPF of eight, making it a great natural sunscreen ingredient.
According to research, pomegranate seed oil appears to be a “safe and effective chemo preventive agent against skin cancer.
Pomegranate seed oil stimulates keratinocyte proliferation. These are cells found in the outer layer of your skin help rejuvenate your skin and reverse skin damage.
Because pomegranate seed oil penetrates so deeply and effectively it doesn’t make the skin greasy and clog pores. It goes to where you need hydration most.
Pomegranate seed oil also contains an essential fatty acid we now know as punicic acid. It’s also called omega 5 and it has been found to reduce inflammation, fend off free radicals and show cancer-fighting abilities. It has been shown to help thicken your skin and improve elasticity making it useful for scarring and stretchmarks as well as premature aging.
Pomegranate seed oil also contains a form of pro-estrogen, which is compatible with your natural hormones, and its hormone supporting and balancing effect has an amazing effect on skin texture since hormones play such a role in the aging process.
Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender oil has a high antioxidant content and has incredibly high antibacterial properties. The components of lavender oil help to kill acne-inducing bacteria and clogged pores. By unclogging pores and reducing inflammation when you put it on your skin, lavender helps prevent acne while treating existing blemishes.
Carrot Seed Oil
Carrot seed essential oil has shown antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. A recent study found that carrot seed oil is effective at combating several strains of bacteria. When added to a carrier oil, carrot seed oil has antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties that may improve skin health and appearance.
The linalool present in the Ylang-ylang essential oil is known to have properties that reduce anxiety and promote a feeling of wellness and serenity. It even consists of antidepressant components and aids in reducing insomnia and tension among people who face apprehensions.
The linalool, germacrene-D as well as geranyl acetate are known to have antifungal properties that work against any attack of fungal infection on the skin. Some studies state the use of this oil could eliminate conditions caused by Candida Albicans, which is a kind of yeast.
It has powerful antioxidant properties and is fantastic for fighting off skin ageing free radicals in the body. Use Ylang-Ylang alongside a carrier oil like Rosehip, Pomegranate, borage or MCT oil when applying to the finer areas of the face.
Frankincense Essential Oil
Several research groups have found that frankincense has promising anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor effects when tested in lab studies
A study even found that a chemical compound found in frankincense called AKBA is successful at killing cancer cells that have become resistant to chemotherapy.
Frankincense has the ability to strengthen skin and improve its tone, elasticity, defense mechanisms against bacteria or blemishes, and appearance as someone ages. It may help tone and lift skin, reduce the appearance of scars and acne, and heals wounds. It may also be beneficial for fading of stretch marks, surgery scars or marks associated with pregnancy, and for healing dry or cracked skin.
Where can you find these oils in our store? Click on any of the serums below to read the rest of their ingredients and their benefits:
Awaken Serum (fine lines, deep wrinkles, dark spots): Pomegranate, Lavender, Frankincense
Illumineye Serum (puffy eyes and dark circles): Lavender, Frankincense